Here we are soldiers moving through the dense jungles of Veitnam facing bobie traps, explosives, and incognito enemy snipers. The only way to survive is to persevere. Just like the soldiers in Vietnam, it is important to persevere because, failure makes people stronger, and helps you make better decisions.
First, it is important to persevere because failure makes you stronger.For example,it must of taken tomas edison hundreds of materials that burn long enough to make the lightbulb.Starting from the first matrial persaverance gave him new ideas to try.In addition, one of the best most popular civil rights leaders Nelson Mandela says on this topic”The greatest glory in life lies not in never falling, but rising every time you fall.Mandela sums it all up for you.
Secondly perseverance can help you make better decisions. For example, one week Roger forgot to move his trash cans to the curb for the sanitation crew to pick up. The next morning roger woke up to bandit eyed creatures rummaging through his trash cans or “all you can eat buffet. He had to persevere through the extermination of the varmints, picking up the trash, and worst of all dealing with his infuriated wife. Through perseverance Roger has learned to make better decisions.
Not all of the soldiers made it out if Vietnam but,mostly the ones who persevere got to the chopper.Perseverance is important because failure makes you stronger and helps you make better decisions
Category Archives: Ela writing portfolio
the importance of reading
In George Orwell’s 1984, the people of Oceania and their idled leader Big Brother thinks that ignorance is strength. Unlike Big Brother and his people educators, professors,and teachers thinks that Knowledge is route to all power,and an amazing way to find it is through reading. Reading is important because it exposes you to things and it it strengthens you physically and mentally.
Reading is important because it exposes you to things.For example, one day Jeremy was sitting on his couch and he saw a Capital One commercial where a garden gnome was sky diving so he had the great idea to research sky diving. He reads up on it and he grows a new hobby. In addition, I have always loved to cook,it is one of my hobbies. I would’ve of never gained this passion for cooking if I would’ve never read recipes, cookbooks,culinary ad’s on the internet. Reading is important because it exposes you to new things like cooking and sky diving
Reading is important because it strengthens you physically and mentally.For example ,Kade palmer would never be as good as an NFL player if he would not be reading in school.He would’ve never been as good under presure.In addition, in sixth grade I was rumaging through the course and and I barely got by.So that summer I vowed to make good grades and read.I only made one C grade that year. Reading is important because it enhances you physically and mentally.
If you don’t expose yourself to things or enhance your body through reading 1984 will become non fiction.
The importance of controlling extreme emotions
Oh no…? the guy right next to to your left pulls right in front of you without using his turn signal,and you have half of the soccer team in your back seat. While you go along raging think about importance of dealing with extreme emotions such as anger, because you need to remember you need to be a role model, and do not lose your cool.
It is important to remember that you are a role model, and people are watching you. For example,did you know that statistically seven people watch you when you are in public? I know it sounds creepy ,but it’s a fact. In addition,it is important to be a good role model,because I want that feeling of satisfaction of telling my kids to do as I do and as I say.having a great role model has been beneficial to my life at home. Further more, always control your emotions because seven people are watching you.
As you are raging you need to keep calm and cool your jets.For example,Tom the best baseball player in the league,never gets struck out, but when he does he erupts with rage like a volcano. When Tom gets struck out he looks like a sore loser. Furthermore, If Tom would accept being struck out, accept encouragement,and control his emotions Tom would not be as much of a sore loser.In addition,George Washington, once one of our nation’s fearless leaders,would always get flustered at valley forge.With all of those American soldiers dying around him from small pox,lack of food, and freezing to death.
Furthermore, praying to god helped through his crisis.In conslusion, George and Tom have nothing alike but they still controlled their emotions.
You stopped yourself from scaring the little children,you kept calm, and controlled your emotions. Now you are of to a great soccer game.
air born
You might think I’m just
a fourteen year old
farmer that is
weak and uneducated.
I’m not a chicken, cow,
or turtle.
I’m an Eagle
even though the eagle
is graceful and amazing
I’m very dangerous
I have sharp talons and
a razor like beak .
I tear through the
flesh of fish,
crunch the bones of
snakes,and settle
territorial disputes.
If you are in trouble I am there.
I’m a rare breed of brave and
strong animals.
soaring through the sky,
gliding over storms ,
shrieking through the
darkness with a loud
ka.A fourteen year old farmer is
an eagle. Brave, independent,
dangerous and a rare breed.